The origin of the central plan

    In 109, the center received a subsidy from the Ministry of Science and Technology for the new Southbound "Overseas Scientific Research and Technology Innovation Center" project, so the "Taiwan-Indonesia Environmental Change and Land Resource Management Research Center" was established to integrate the energy output of measurement technology to Indonesia. Reach the diplomacy of measurement technology and academics between the two countries.

Purpose of the establishment of the center
    The Taiwan-Indonesia Research Center will use technology and talent exchanges, integrate surveying resources from all walks of life, establish a database of Indonesian surveying and mapping professionals, and jointly explore the issues faced by Indonesia's land and resources planning, so as to enhance the energy of local surveying technology and research, and achieve the academic achievements of the two countries.

    Our center will apply scientific research and innovative measurement technology to assist the Indonesian government in land resource surveys, planning and management, with a view to making further contributions to Indonesia’s land planning. In addition, the center will also establish a database of Indonesian professionals to improve the relevant information of Indonesian students. The ability to measure technology indirectly promotes the cultivation of industrial talents.